
Everything is clear!
Meet David, a retired village teacher-turned-farmer. Three years ago, he started going blind from cataracts. “I was reading all right, but then everything became blurred. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t read.” Unable to work, or even cross the street alone, he relied on his wife and children to take care of him.
“Fortunately, I heard of you,” David said of Daybreak Vision Project. Following the removal of cataracts from both eyes, he was elated that he could clearly read a billboard in the distance advertising rice. “Everything is clear!”
Of his sons, who accompanied David to his surgery, David exclaimed: "today, they are coming to testify that I can see!" In an expression of gratitude, they sang us a hymn which you can hear by clicking the video above.

“The excitement and the joy - we cannot quantify it!”
Meet David, a retired village teacher-turned-farmer. Three years ago, he started going blind from cataracts.